
Simple Faucet Script – Open your own faucet [FREE]

I’ve developed a Simple Bitcoin Faucet script that is integrated with ExpressCrypto, Faucetpay, Block.io and Google Recaptcha (v2; box). The main reason is that Bots can easily abuse the standard script and most faucet owners hate bots.

With this script, you can change the reward from a minimum amount to a maximum amount. – It generates a random payout It blocks VPN/Proxy and you can put Bitcoin Address or IP address on a blacklist and they will get an error after solving the captcha. You can add HTML sites or change the three advertising spots.

The payment will be stored in the account. The user can withdraw to the payment provider anytime and see stats like total claims or 24 hours stats.

Github: https://github.com/Salmen2/FaucetHub-Faucet
Demo: http://salmen.website/Faucet/
Second Demo (Twisted Templates): https://jaguarbitcoin.com/scripts/simplefaucetscript/

Installation Instruction

1. Download the files
2. Upload to your FTP Server
3. Upload the sql.sql using PHPMyAdmin
4. Change in includes/config.php the MySQL Connection and the website URL (e.g. http://example.org/faucet)
5. Open http://yourdomain.com/admin.php and enter the following login data:

Admin Username: admin

Admin Password: admin

Now you’re inside and you can change the configuration to run your faucet!


No hidden fees

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